Monday 4 March 2013

What to do .....

So here I am new to this blogasphere type thingy and thoughts vacillate around in my head.  Where to begin....

I would like to know when exactly I started being embarrassing.  I checked all my insides, examined my brain extensively and still I cant remember exactly when it happened.  Now I know that the world is changing, technology is shooting far in front of me even thought I'm a 70's child, but I still thought of myself as edgy, maybe even hip, at a stretch I would have thought myself "uptodate".  But alas apparently all of the above paradigm is sadly a big fat "no mum, tots"!

So here I sit, the proud owner of a newly anointed 13 year old and suddenly my whole persona has changed to being "embarrassing". 

Now I have conferred with my 10 year old and extensively with my 9 year old about this fact and yup, in their eyes I am still all of the above.  Phew OK paradigm intact, boldly I can go forward.  Though I am suspecting that at some stage nearing the age of teenagehood, those opinions too may change, but fear not I intend to completely exhaust all realms within this world before I do finally submit to "not being a cool mum".  Until then the journey begins.